Inside the Chikan Tower 赤坎樓 compound in Tainan, there is located the
Penghu Confucian Academy 蓬壺書院. If you walk in, you can find a small library of Taiwan studies literature. I picked up
Draft General History of Taiwan《台灣通志稿》and found the following record about Huangbo Chapel 黃檗庵 in page 794: it was located a few
li south of Haihui Temple 海會寺, which is the famed Kaiyuan Temple 開元寺.It was burnt in 1692 and rebuilt by monk Jicheng 繼成 in 1693. Not too much known about this monk.
黃檗庵:在海會寺南數里。壬申年,災於火; 癸酉,僧繼成募緣重建。
薛紹元編,楊水彬點校,《台灣通志稿》,中, 頁794.
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