Monday, October 10, 2016

Chinese painter Kuncan 髡残 as Juelang Daosheng's 觉浪道盛 Dharma Heir

Recently, Prof. Lynn Struve asked me about the painter monk Kuncan's 髡残 (1612-1673) sectarian identity. He was renowned as one of the four great painters during the late Ming and early Qing. But people rarely noticed he was also a certified dharma heir of the Caodong lineage.

I mentioned him in page 103  of my Enlightenment in Dispute and gave his dharma name as Zutang Dagao 祖堂大杲. He was indeed listed as the official dharma heir in Juelang Daosheng's 觉浪道盛 record. (Note: all names were listed by the temple name first.) See the link below to the end of Vol. 12. Donggao Xinyue 东皋心越 once studied with Daosheng and received dharma transmission from Kuotang Dawen 阔堂大文 who is recorded below as Shangtang Dawen 上塔大文. Linshan Dazhi 廩山大智 is Wuke Dazhi 無可大智, namely Fang Yizhi 方以智, who was one of the most famous intellectual in seventeenth century China. I didn't notice before that Chen Danzhong 陳丹衷, a famous painter, was listed among his dharma heir. Qingyuan Daran 青原大然 is Xiafeng Daran 笑峰大然, namely the late Ming high official Ni Jiaqing 倪嘉慶.

青原大然 虎跑大璸 壽昌大存
  大峻 壽昌大浩 廩山大智
崇先大奇 天目大聞 弘濟大健
洞庭大燈 仰山大英 福山大寧
  大別 興國大忍 枝山大選
明招大補 蒲澗大韶 青原大權
天界大璽 報恩大麟 大量
普濟大龍 祖堂大杲 黃檗大嵩
上塔大文   大玉 安隱大充
李公長庚 陳公丹衷 凌公世韶

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