Monday, November 23, 2015

The Earliest European Discovery of Zhu Shunshui 朱舜水 and Donggao Xinyue 東皋心越 in 1896

Ernest Clement
Donggao Xinyue

Zhu Shunshui

Most people thought the Dutch scholar-diplomatic Van Gulik 高羅佩 was the first European who discovered Donggao Xinyue 東皋心越 . He published two related works in 1940s. However, I came across an article dated to 1896 by Ernest W. Clement I1860-1941) who already introduced both Zhu Shunshui 朱舜水 and Donggao in Mito. No Chinese scholars would have known Zhu Shunshui and Donggao without the efforts of these two European scholars.

The full reference of the article is:

Journal/Book Title: Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan.
Article Title:      Chinese refugees of the seventeenth century in Mito.
Article Author:     Clement, Ernest
Year:               1896

Reference to van Gulik's works:

明末義僧東臯禪師集刊 / Ming mo yi seng Donggao chan shi ji kan 
商務印書館 : 民國 33 [1944]   Chongqing : Shang wu yin shu guan, Minguo 33 [1944], [19], 152 p. 
Chan master Donggao. Chinese. With added preface in English.

The Ch'an master Tung-Kao : a loyal monk of the end of the Ming period 
by R. H. van Gulik. 
Chungking, China : Commercial Press, 1944. 1 v. (unpaged) : ill.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Tokugawa Descendents and Tokugawa Musuem

日本德川博物館藏品錄 I:朱舜水文獻釋解

During the Obaku conference from Oct. 2-3, 2015 in Taiwan University, it was my great honor to meet the 15th generation heirs of the Tokugawa clan in the Mito line, Tokugawa Narimasa德川斉正 and Tokugawa Maki 德川真木, who are running the
Tokugawa Museum and Shōkōkan 彰考館. They are also active in publishing rare sources preserved in Mito, especially related to Zhu Shunshui  朱舜水 and Donggao Xinyue 東皋心越. I am fortunate to receive a copy of recent publications from them.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Gate of Tojinyashiki 唐人屋敷 in Kofukuji

Gate of Tojinyashiki at Kofukuji. Photo by Jiang Wu, July 2013
Tojin yashiki 唐人屋敷 is a forgotten place in Nagasaki. Most people will visit Christian churches and western gardens and enjoy the city as an opening window to Western culture. People rarely think about the Chinese residents who used to live in a fenced quarter called Tojin yashiki. Its gate is now moved to Kofukuji.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Zen Reading Group at 2015 American Academy of Religion in Atlanta, Nov. 21, 2015

I am going to join a Zen reading group at the upcoming AAR meeting in Atlanta. I will present a short encounter dialogue (jiyuan wenda 機緣問答) between Miyun Yuanwu 密雲圓悟 and Hanyue Fazang 漢月法藏, who were involved in a fierce dispute about the principle of Linji teaching (Linji zongzhi 臨濟宗旨). Miyun was the dharma grandfather of Yinyuan.

AAR 2015 in Atlanta: M21-404

Zen Reading Group
Theme: Second Annual Meeting
Saturday - 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
Marriott-International 9 (International Level)

Aim: In-depth discussion of close readings of issues in translation & interpretation of selected Zen texts circulated in advance of the meeting. This session is open to all who wish to attend; please request the passages by contacting Steven Heine at

Steven Heine, Florida International University
Introduction to Zen Readings

Mario Poceski, University of Florida
Mazu's Texts

Jiang Wu, University of Arizona
Seventeenth-Century Chinese Chan

Gereon Kopf, Luther College
New Approaches to Dōgen

Jin Y Park, American University