Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Yinyuan's Poems in Buddhist Literature 佛教文学中的隐元诗偈

Prof. Lin Guanchao 林观潮 at Xiamen University 厦门大学 is an expert in Yinyuan studies. He published an article on Master Yinyuan's poems entitled "Yinyuan's Poems in Buddhist Literature" 佛教文学中的隐元诗偈which can be downloaded from the following link. 

The full citation of the article is as follows:

  • Author / Creator:
  • Summary:
  • 本稿尝试从佛教文学的视角,粗浅分析隐元语录中的诗偈。做为明清时期禅僧语录的代表作,隐元语录内含优秀的佛教文学作品。其中诗偈数量众多,内容多样,体裁完备。基于丰富的创作经验,隐元也提出了对诗偈的看法,并强调诗偈创作主体必须是学道有成的明心见性之人。 
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    Tuesday, February 13, 2018

    New research on Obaku monk Jifei's Dharma Transmission Certificate Bestowed by Yinyuan

    A new article by Ma Xuming 马旭明 on Jifei's 即非 Dharma Transmission Certificate given by Yinyuan 隐元 has been published in China. The original 1657 certificate and a few letters were published in 蜗庐藏珍図录 by 天六书房 in Japan (page 20). (Unfortunately, there is no such a book and publisher in American cataloging system.) These materials were not included in Yinyuan's complete collections.

     The certificate is as follows and resembles the one Yinyuan received from Feiyin Tongrong 费隐通容:
    “从上承嗣来源 :六祖下、南岳让、马祖一、百丈海、黄檗运、临济玄、兴化奖、南院颙、 风穴沼、首山念、汾阳昭、石霜圆、杨岐会、白云端、五祖演、圆悟勤、虎丘隆、天童华、密庵杰、 破庵先、无准范、雪巗钦、高峰妙、中峰本、千岩长、万峰蔚、宝藏持、东明山、海舟慈、宝峰瑄、 天奇瑞、绝学聪、月心宝、禹门传、天童悟、径山容,明历丁酉年寓普门福元禅寺老僧隐元琦手书付即 非一禅人。”
    Here is the detailed bibliography of this article:

    马旭明. (2017). 1657年隐元禅师付即非源流手迹考释. 世界宗教文化, (02), 110-117.

    • 【機構】 無錫博物院;

      【摘要】 明末清初,黃檗宗高僧隱元隆琦在清順治十一年(1654)東渡日本,在日本政治文化中心京都創建"黃檗山萬福寺",開創日本佛教界的一大宗派——黃檗宗派,其影響遍及日本的禪學、文學、藝術、印刷、建筑乃至茶道和生活品味等各個方面,并成為17、18世紀當時日本文化的主流。1657年隱元禪師付即非源流及信件是一件不可多得的珍貴文獻,是研究隱元東渡初期活動的史料,具有重要的歷史價值,值得我們研究。 

      【關鍵詞】 隱元禪師; 即非; 手跡考釋;