Recently, there was an special exhibition of Obaku paintings at Komazawa University from Oct. 10-Nov. 19, 2016. I am glad Dokuan Genkō 獨庵玄光 (1630-1698) was included and his portrait appeared in the banner. He was Daozhe Chaoyuan's 道者超元 student but did not study with Yinyuan because Daozhe was forced to go back to China due to his different dharma transmission. I have a whole section on Genko and his thought in my book Leaving for the Rising Sun, pp. 191-197.
See the exhibition brochure here. See also the following article:
大槻 幹郎
出版年 2001-02
掲載誌名 黄檗文華 / 黄檗文化研究所 編
掲載号 122
掲載ページ 227~229