Friday, April 10, 2020

William W. Rockhill 柔克义(1854-1914) on Buddhism

William W. Rockhill 柔克义(1854-1914) is one of the earliest scholars of Buddhism. He has published the following interesting works about Buddhist canon, the life of Buddha, Tibet and China.

Udânavarga: A Collection of Verses from the Buddhist Canon (1883)
Prâtimoksha sutra; ou, Le traité d'émancipation selon la version tibétaine: avec notes et extraits du Dulva (Vinaya)'' (1884)
with Ernst Leumann and Nanjo Bunyu, The Life of the Buddha: And the Early History of His Order'' (1884)
The Land of the Lamas: Notes of a Journey Through China, Mongolia and Tibet (1891) [1] [2]
Explorations in Mongolia and Tibet (1893)
Diary of a Journey Through Mongolia and Thibet in 1891 and 1892 (1894) [3] [4] [5]
Journey through Mongolia and Tibet, 1891 and 1892 (1894)
Notes on the Ethnology of Tibet: Based on the Collections in the U.S. National Museum (1895)
The Journey of William of Rubruck to the Eastern Parts of the World (1900) [6] [7]
with Sarat Chandra Das, Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet (1902)
China's Intercourse with Korea from the XVth Century To 1895 (1905)
Diplomatic Audiences at the Court of China (1905)
The Dalai Lamas of Lhasa and Their Relations with the Manchu Emperors of China. 1644-1908 (1910)
 His biography can be accessed here through Wikipedia and Sogou baike.

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